
About Us

Tyra Six Weeks

We fell in love.

It happened during the COVID pandemic. We were on the American Kennel Club website, researching dog breeds. We wanted a dog with specific tendencies and a cute appearance.

Once we read about the Barbada da Terceira, we knew this was the dog for us! We kept researching and comparing, but no other breed measured up. We'd already fallen in love with these amazing dogs! Because the BDT is such a rare breed, at that time, only two breeders existed in the United States! We immediately reached out to both breeders and got our name on a waiting list in February of 2021.

On the evening of December 19, 2021, we finally met our Tyra and flew her back to Arkansas with us the next day. By evening, we were introducing our young traveler to her new home and family, right in time for her first Christmas!

In the summer of 2023, we decided to breed, so that we can help more people know and fall in love with this amazing breed. In November 2023, We flew to Portugal to get our sweet boy, Fezzik! He will be the sire of future litters.

However, Tyra's first litter is planned for February 2024, with another handsome BDT (see the Litters page for more details). We hope you enjoy meeting our family of BDTs and getting to know about the breed!

The Barbado da Terceira is a herding breed that originated on the island of Terceira, in the Azores, Portugal. The breed is named after the island. In English, the name is translated to mean Bearded of the Third (island). When settlement of the islands began in the fifteenth century, colonists brought their dogs with them. The Barbado da Terceira breed is the result of selective breeding from the best cattle herding dogs on the island of Terceira. Cattle ranchers needed a sturdy and energetic breed with an aptitude for cattle herding. The result of those efforts produced the Barbado Da Terceira we see today.

Barbado Da Terciera grow in height to about 20 1/2 - 22 inches (males), or 19 - 21 inches (females). A full grown Barbado da Terceira will generally weigh between 55-60 lbs. (males), and 46-57 lbs. (females). The life expectancy of the breed is reported to be between 12-14 years. The breed is double coated, with a long, flowing, wavy outer coat.

Barbado da Terceira Breed

Barbado Da Terciera grow in height to about 20 1/2 - 22 inches (males), or 19 - 21 inches (females). A full grown Barbado da Terceira will generally weigh between 55-60 lbs. (males), and 46-57 lbs. (females). The life expectancy of the breed is reported to be between 12-14 years. The breed is double coated, with a long, flowing, wavy outer coat. Acceptable colors are a mix of black, fawn, yellow, gray, and/or white.

The Barbado da Terceira is a medium-sized herder that makes a great companion and family dog. The breed is intelligent, easy to train, docile, joyful, and sensitive. BDTs are athletic dogs with an eagerness to learn and work for their master. As a result, they require an experienced owner who can meet their need for exercise, attention, and training. They do not require a large space as their home, but they do have an innate need to spend time with their people.


Our Dogs

Tyra of New World Barbado


Tyra is a very fun dog! She is curious, dramatic, and crazy smart. She lives for her people and loves to be “with me” as much as possible. Our girl is very energetic and playful, but also has moments of cuddliness. She is a complete sweetheart! She often acts as if she thinks she is a lapdog, which can be rather hilarious at 43 lbs. Some of her favorite treats are blueberries, bananas, carrots, and boiled chicken. She often “asks” to practice her commands, because she likes to feel useful. She is very athletic as well, enjoying high jumps, opportunities to climb, and especially swimming. Tyra is extremely friendly, especially with children.

What’s in the name?

Tyra is a name from Nordic mythology. It means “goddess of war”. Our girl, though sweet, friendly, and playful, would go to war in a moment if she ever felt one of her family members was in danger! More than this association, however, there was once a child with the same name who made a huge impression on Tyra’s primary caregiver, eventually influencing the choice to make a career change. As a result, when looking for a strong name for our beloved BDT, we knew she would be “Tyra”.

Daily Life

After morning cuddles and play, Tyra loves running wildly around the yard to stretch. She eats breakfast while taking breaks to sniff around, which we call ”reading the newspaper”. She likes to find out what happened overnight. Once she has the yard news, she usually peeks through the privacy fence to watch the neighbors. Then she has some crate time with a bone while her family is at work. In the early evening, she plays fetch and tug of war with her people, then watches her version of “TV”, paws on the window, standing on her hind legs, watching her family do evening chores. Alternatively, she will hop up on an outdoor table to peek through the kitchen window. She usually spies on the neighbors through the fence some more, because she is just a bit nosy. Once it is dark, she comes in for more cuddles and playing, before heading off to her crate for a good night’s sleep, where she is often seen blissfully lying on her back, with legs in the air.

Planned Litter

Tyra’s was bred in January, 2024. with the expected date of delivery at the end of March, 2024. If you are interested in owning a BDT, please reach out to us to get your name on the waiting list for a puppy! Check back for pictures and update.

Jake is owned by Amarosa Kennel and was bred with Tyra in February 24

Our Tyra (R) will be the mother of our first litter. She is already showing a mother’s gentleness and intuition with the younger

puppy we have. She’s going to

be a fantastic mom!


Barbado da Terceira, Dana Simel and Wendy Dreese, Showsight Magazine, October 18, 2022

Pupdates and News

Tyra & Fezzik at play


Product display background

What a Trip!

Kirby travels to Portugal to bring us


Kirby (24) used his

Thanksgiving break from law school to travel alone to Portugal. He had a great time, a little homesickness, and brought back a 10 week old puppy, our Fezzik. Kirby messaged me immediately after picking up Fezzik. “I LOVE this puppy! He is so sweet natured and laid back!

The Eyes Have You!

By Melanie McLeain, November 28, 2023

They say that the eyes are the window to the soul.

If you are ever privileged to bond with a Barbado da Terceira, their soulful gaze will steal your heart forever! They look at you with such trust in their eyes that you will never be the same. It was one of the things that struck me the most about my female, Tyra, when I first met her. It still amazes me, every time her eyes meet mine! The way that she looks up at me, as she tries to read my signals, and attempts to figure out what I'm thinking or feeling instantly strikes me in the heart. In that soft amber gaze, I find adoration and loyalty, as well as curiosity and intelligence.

Although my new puppy, Fezzik, is quite young, and only joined our family recently, he has that same intensely watchful look. It made me instantly fall in love with him!

The fact is, I've never seen a Barbado da Terceira who did not have eyes that speak volumes. I have had many different breeds of dogs in my lifetime. While all of my dogs have looked at me with trust, there's something very different about meeting the eyes of a Barbado da Terceira!

My dogs will choose me over exercise, food, playing with each other, or any other activity. While they are very energetic and all of these pastimes are important to them, my presence is their premium priority. They truly are, in the most literal sense of the word, companion dogs. Although you can definitely tell the breed is a herding breed, due to the intelligence, gait, and tendency to herd other living beings; above all else, they love people--especially their family members, and particularly that one person that they most trust.

Every time you look into and hold the gaze of a beautiful Barbado da Terceira, you feel it to your toes! You know you are looking directly into the loyal, sensitive soul within.

There's just nothing quite like that soulful gaze!

“Their greatest

need is you.”


Please contact us for information about upcoming litters

Terceira Tail Blazers

North Little Rock, Arkansas


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